Urim and Thummin appears in the ancient Israelite religion and culture as a phrase from the Hebrew Bible. Traditionally, Urim is "light" and Thummin is "perfections". Literally, Urim and Thummin mean revelation and truth respectively. The two stones are used by Hight Priest to determine God's will in some situations. However, it is unclear on how God's will is transmitted through Urim and Thummin.
In The Alchemist, Urim and Thummin help Santiago read the omen. I think that the 2 stones represents the teaching of the old King in the Alchemist because everytime Santiago see the stones he automatically thinks of the old King and the things he said to Santiago. When we think more deeply we can see that everyone Santiago meets (characters as significant as the Alchemist or even as little noticed as the merchant daughter he meet in the beginning of the book) teaches him something. In the end they all lelf behind something for Santiago whether that thing is life lessons or 2 stones or even just memories. The 2 stones would represent those things lelf behind by strangers who passes by our lives.
I believe in fate. It is fate for you to meet someone in the world with billions of people. I believe that everyone we meet change our lives in some ways. Some will have big impact while other may just change the way we brush our teeth every morning. But everyone DOES change our life in one way or another.