Well today I just picked up a new book at Ms. Crabtree's room. It is called "The Last Domino" (or something similar.... I don't have the book right now... *_*).
I just read the first 10-15 pages of the book in the 20-min silence reading in class. It's about about a kid has trouble with school, always being made fun of, always shy, always wanted to do the right thing but always ended up with a mess, always wanted to stand up against those "not-so-funny" funny jokes but could never find the courage. However he has the courage to bring a GUN .... (yes a gun) to school.

I knew immediately that "The Last Domino" is not the usual type of book I would read just by reading the first page. However, there is something about the main character and his situation that appeal to me . May be it is because I have never been through the same thing he (the main character) is going through. Or maybe I'm changing my taste. But either way I know (for sure) that this book succeed in capture my attention but failed to make me continue reading it